Cutting Through the BS: Quantum Wormholes

Written By Luke Sweeney

Posted December 7, 2022

By now you might have seen the news running through the major science publications, each headline more intense than the last.

My personal favorite came from Physics World: “Quantum Teleportation Opens a 'Wormhole in Space-Time.'”

Stories like these are what make quantum physics one of my favorite topics to write about because while they may sound like low-effort Netflix sci-fi specials, the true story is often even more interesting. 

Cutting to the chase, no, scientists have not succeeded in violating physics and ripping open a hole in reality. We are safe from any extra-dimensional invaders or catastrophic paradoxes — for now. 

Instead, researchers did something even more amazing. They used a powerful quantum computer to simulate the most mathematically complex event in the universe: a black hole. 

More specifically, they studied how wormholes — two-dimensional rifts through three-dimensional space — could appear under very specific circumstances. And if they do ever appear, we now have a reasonably educated guess as to how they would behave. 

The team combined quantum computer programs with some extremely dense math to render a dumbed-down model of the universe. Inside the simulation, they actually managed to “teleport” an entangled particle.

To clear a few things up, here’s a brief passage from the study published by Caltech’s Maria Spiropulu and Harvard’s Daniel Jafferis in Nature, my all-time favorite science journal:

Despite its approximate nature, the sparsified SYK model preserves key properties of the traversable wormhole physics: perfect size winding, coupling on either side of the wormhole that is consistent with a negative energy shock wave, a Shapiro time delay, causal time-order of signals emerging from the wormhole, and scrambling and thermalization dynamics.

Any other questions? 

Joking aside, it took me days of research to even understand the introduction, let alone wrap my head around the Ph.D.-level math behind this stuff. 

But at least I’m in good company — even the greatest quantum physicists will happily admit they don't fully understand it either.  

We DO Know One Thing for Sure…

Even though this “wormhole” was nothing but a crude virtual model of the real thing, it’s a huge leap forward. 

It proves that quantum computers can accurately model other extremely data-heavy physics problems. And though Jafferis and Spiropulu admit the model isn't complete without many, many more qubits, the future of quantum astrophysics is looking bright. 

That’s arguably the most critical factor of quantum computing. It’s not about simply building the best computer but rather building a tool that can revolutionize every industry on the planet

Quantum computers blow their traditional predecessors out of the water in fields like biology, advanced physics, artificial intelligence, and chemistry. 

Imagine you need to simulate a model of a patient’s blood flow or the aerodynamics of a random object or all the different responses an AI could have for the question “Who are you?” 

Solving these problems is practically impossible with today’s computers. There are too many variables to churn through line by line. 

Quantum machines have the mind-blowing ability to rip through these problems in hours instead of millenia. In every field of science, I guarantee you they have at least one “white whale” problem that the industry simply cannot solve. 

Quantum computers could soon solve every single one. 

Combined, the industries quantum computing could completely revamp are worth close to $50 trillion. It’s one of the most disruptive pieces of technology the world has ever seen. 

Though the science behind it is complicated, you don’t need a Ph.D. to get a piece of this record-setting market. 

What you absolutely NEED to do, however, is learn to avoid a few incredibly common mistakes. 

Our analysts and production team condensed all the most up-to-date research into this free presentation. It’s an early look at the tech that will soon become as commonplace as the device you're using to read this. 

Don’t wait — once the rest of the herd catches up, the golden opportunity will be long gone.

To your wealth,

Luke Sweeney
Contributor, Energy and Capital

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Luke’s technical know-how combined with an insatiable scientific curiosity has helped uncover some of our most promising leads in the tech sector. He has a knack for breaking down complicated scientific concepts into an easy-to-digest format, while still keeping a sharp focus on the core information. His role at Angel is simple: transform piles of obscure data into profitable investment leads. When following our recommendations, rest assured that a truly exhaustive amount of research goes on behind the scenes..

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